I’m Diego Aguilar Villalobos a Colombian graphic designer based in Montreal, CA. I’m currently working for HarrisonFun studio.
︎ I work on projects ranging from branding, experimental typography, illustration, packaging, editorial design and art direction. ★ I’m interested in the use of rhetorical figures in typography and the concept of identity around branding.
︎︎︎ My work has been recognized by the Type Directors Club, Colorful: The One Club ,Young Talent LAD Fest, Latin American Design Awards, TheDesignKids Awards and Applied Arts Canada.

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Email  Instagram  Behance

+1 (438) 526 3938


︎ I’m Diego Aguilar Villalobos a Colombian graphic designer based in Montreal, CA. I’m currently working for HarrisonFun studio.
︎ I work on projects ranging from branding, experimental typography, illustration, packaging, editorial design and art direction. I’m interested in the use of rhetorical figures in typography and the concept of identity around branding.
︎︎︎ My work has been recognized by the Type Directors Club, Colorful: Prelude to YounGuns21, Latin American Design Awards, TheDesignKids Awards, Applied Arts Canada, Behance featured and staff pick by Font In Use.

Email  Instagram  Behance

+1 (438) 526 3938

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Le Grand

This is a French cafe and bresserie located on 93rd and 11th in Bogota, Tt’s intention is to represent the French tradition through gastronomy and offers an experience very close to what it would be like to be in the European country.

 Typefaces: Montecatini font by Louise Fili - Peignot by Deberny & Peignot.

Made in S&Co
27/03/2020. Branding and Art direction.